Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm going GREEN, or am I?

Ok mostly green... I am a big fan of salads, they are easy to make, light on the stomach, healthy, and good for lunch or dinner. They are also easy to present, vibrant colors bring the plate to life.

The draw back of course is the short life expectancy of fresh ingredients that salads require.
Easy solution: to-go salad bars. There is a small organic market (it'll pop up various times, H&H) near my house where I can just drop by make a salad on my way to work, from work, the gym, or whatever have you.

I made this on the way back from a mid morning workout...

The beauty of this particular salad is that it requires no sauce, though I did add a little because I wanted to see what it tasted like. The olives in combination with the tuna salad will give plenty taste to keep your buds occupied while you work through the leafy part. Quinoa grains are not only a good vegetarian protein source alternative, but also gives salads a little more texture, and I couldn't resist grabbing a few artichoke hearts while I was at it.

ps. that to-go box is made of recycled materials!

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